There is no better way to get them ripped and into contest ready shape than the use of a modified ketogenic diet. In fact, when helping a bodybuilder get ready for a contest, I will not work with him until he is in the metabolic state called ketosis. This state is the point at which the body burns fats for fuel in the absence of carbohydrates. A high fat diet you ask-won't that make me fat? The answer is YES. If you do not restrict carbohydrates, perhaps there is no better way of getting fat. The answer is NO if you restrict your carbohydrates to the point that your body makes the metabolic shift from burning carbohydrates for its daily energy needs to burning fat. This metabolic shift occurs when your blood sugar levels drop below normal and your body starts converting fatty acids into what is called ketones or fractured fats. At this point your body will burn those ketones as its primary energy source. More on this in a moment, let's first take a look at the problems with traditional low-fat diets, especially when used by people who are not fat (i.e. athletes) in order to better understand the exclusive benefits to the high fat, low carbohydrate ketogenic diet.

Traditional Low fat diets: Low fat diets make the body's metabolism lazy. The body will prefer to get all of its energy requirements from glycogen (carbohydrates) than from the body's fat reserves. Low fat sends the body into starvation mode, it tries to hold on to body fat, and will burn muscle instead.

When carbohydrate stores are exhausted the body will burn protein before switching to fat. Carbohydrates increase serotonin levels and cause sleepiness. Carbs cause insulin swings that cause the body to deposit unburned carbs as body fat. Protein supplements are needed for the bodybuilder on a low fat diet. Low-fat foods are much more expensive than the conventional version and contain more "chemistry" i.e. are highly processed.

The high fat, low carbohydrate ketogenic diet: Increases lean body mass without steroids while dieting. Maximizes the bodybuilding effects of your own hormones such as testosterone, insulin, and natural GH (growth hormone). Lowers cortisol levels resulting in reduced catabolism or muscle breakdown. Increases energy level compared to low-fat diets. Decreases body fat without sacrificing lean mass: lose 90% fat and only 10% muscle vs. the 60% fat and 40% muscle loss of other diets.

Burning fat is less efficient which results in an ever increased metabolic rate. Plentiful supply of protein-found in all the meat that is consumed. This diet makes an excellent base for using additional "tricks" that stimulate metabolism and burn additional body fat. Drugs like clenbuterol, Cytomel, Synthroid, Phenyltropic PPA and even caffeine become more effective.

Before explaining how a ketogenic diet works there are three things many dieters do to get ready. First of all, before you start on this diet, many athletes get a physical including blood work. Among other things, this gives you a baseline cholesterol level. Knowing that your cholesterol levels are healthy at the start of a high fat diet is a good safety precaution. PLEASE NOTE: This diet is controversial and should not be used by pregnant women.

Second, to achieve goal results on a ketogenic diet, or any diet for that matter, it is important to determine how many calories you eat each day? To best answer this question you need to calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and your Active Metabolic Rate (AMR.) Your BMR is the number of calories your body needs to sustain basic body functions while at rest. This means if you have a BMR of 2000 calories, you need to take in this many calories each day to simply maintain your body weight if you were to spend the whole day at rest. Your AMR is the amount of calories your body needs to sustain basic functions plus the calories needed to perform at your average daily activity level. If you eat more calories than your AMR then you will gain weight, if you eat less calories than your AMR then you will lose weight. It is that simple.