Eating to build muscle is a way of thinking just as much as it is an activity. Many bodybuilders let themselves get easily confused, frustrated, and eventually overwhelmed when it comes to the subject of proper nutrition. The process doesn't need to be so complicated in order to be effective. Let's break it down. You basically need to determine three things:

1. The major purpose of each of the three macro-nutrients: protein, carbohydrates, and fat

2. The number of calories you need to consume in order to meet your specific physique-enhancement goals

3. The ratio, or percentages, of these calories that protein, carbohydrates, and fat should each contribute to establish the program needed to help you meet your bodybuilding goals

Good nutrition seems much easier when you look at it from this perspective, doesn't it? But how do you calculate the total number of calories you need and determine the ratio of protein, carbohydrates, and fat that will meet your body's individual needs?

The answers are not necessarily easy to find, but with some experimentation, patience, and persistence, you will figure out what's best to help you reach your goals. Unfortunately, there is no other way around this fact. There are no magic numbers that I, or anyone else, can give you. These amounts not only vary from person to person, they also can vary within the same person at different periods of time.

Let's get honest with ourselves. Is the difficulty in this particular focus in understanding nutrition? Or, is it in following through with eating the way we know we should?

Let's face what really is going on for some of us. Eating is one of life's great pleasures. Sometimes it becomes very difficult to stay away from food that doesn't support our bodybuilding efforts. Great-tasting but unhealthy food becomes too much of a temptation for us. Even when we are more committed to eating well, we sometimes find it too difficult to break away from our busy schedules and eat a meal-whether it's good for us or not.

The key to eating to build muscle comes down to being properly motivated to do so. Maybe right now is a great time to determine exactly why today is the day you will absolutely commit to eating the way you should to build the physique you really want. If you know why you want to do something, figuring out how will become much easier. You must take care of the why and, hopefully, this chapter will help with the procedure of determining how you can meet your goals.

An empowering belief structure when it comes to proper nutrition might be something like this:

I know the basics of eating the way I need to grow! It's really not so complicated. I just need to follow through with what I already know, experiment, be patient, and be persistent!

The key to eating to build muscle comes down to being properly motivated to do so. Maybe right now is a great time to determine exactly why today is the day you will absolutely commit to eating the way you should to build the physique you really want.

As you strive to become the best bodybuilder you can be, take the time to re­examine your belief structures in regard to training and nutrition. Maybe a little more investigation into different training methods and a little more confidence in what you already know about eating right are what you need to fortify your efforts to reach your full genetic potential.

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